速報APP / 娛樂 / Zen World - Relaxing Sounds and Melodies

Zen World - Relaxing Sounds and Melodies



檔案大小:76.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Zen World - Relaxing Sounds and Melodies(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to the Amazing Zen World!

Zen World is an innovative and unique way to create the perfect soundtrack to relax and have a great time.

Featuring our unique Smart Multitrack system, it will be easy to mix over 100 sounds to create the perfect melody according to your mood.

This is the perfect app to relax, meditate, fall asleep or just have fun with beautiful melodies. Mix melodies, nature sounds, environments, birds and much more.

• Instruments:

   » Acoustic Guitar

   » Ethereal Organ

   » Harp

   » Piano

• Melodies:

   » 19 melodies, 10 different themes

   » Compose the music on the go

   » Auto-mix: select the sound, the app makes the mix

• Environments:

   » Choose 10 creepy environments, including:

Zen World - Relaxing Sounds and Melodies(圖2)-速報App

   » Beach Waves

   » Peaceful Night

   » Rain Under a Tree

   » Rural Night

   » Thunder mode

• Misc:

   » 17 beautiful miscellaneous sounds

   » Mix with melodies, songs, birds, etc

• Songs

   » 8 complete songs

   » Mix with over 100 sounds

• Birds:

   » Available through In-App Purchase

   » 49 sounds, 18 species

   » All birds connected to online encyclopedias

Zen World - Relaxing Sounds and Melodies(圖3)-速報App

   » Pictures, history, stats

Disclaimer: This app is for entertainment use only. For more information visit InfinityOneStudio.com/Legal.

Zen World - Relaxing Sounds and Melodies(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad